Trilogy Shalom Club invites you to a Women’s Seder
Monday April 1, 2024
Arrive at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start
Vista Winds Activity Room - 3rd Floor
28755 N. Vistancia Blvd
Limited to 50 Shalom Club Women members (no guests)
A wait list will be created if more than 50 women request to participate.
Cost: $18 per member
Join us for light appetizers and desserts
If you have a seder plate and/or a Miriam's Cup, please bring it to the event.
Secure your reservation with payment only by March 25th
Via Zelle: [email protected]
Check: Made out to TRILOGY SHALOM CLUB, either mail or drop off to
Treasurer, Les Kessler, 12726 W Crestvale Drive
***All Shalom Club Events are non-refundable***
We hope to see you there
Mary Laufbaum, Ellen Bresnick and Sindy Marks